Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Lord giveth, and . . . uh . . . well, you see . . .

I live in a generous Universe which provides all I want and need if I know to ask the right questions and where to look.

I recently moved PinewoodDerbyWorkshop back into the garage, and I've built a couple of new workbenches for tools against the wall. I need a workbench in the middle of the space now for assembly.

Biking home I found a slightly used heavy-duty sturdy oak dining table someone had set on the curb. I asked, and she said, "Take anything you want." It's so big I'm planning to take it on up to Missouri over Thanksgiving Break. Now I'm looking for chairs . . .

Another three families had portable basketball backboards on the curb. Aha! The next day I went back, and the City had collected two of them. So I moved on to the third. The clunky, cumbersome beast didn't really fit in the bed of the truck, and I had only brought one wrench. So I set it back on the curb, and the owner of the house drove up.

I walked over to his side of the driveway and said, with my best grin and bonhomie, "I sure hope you're throwing this out!"

"Well, actually, I'm not . . ." he replied, also with a grin.

I explained that it was on the sidewalk, and I made the assumption. He noted that someone must have moved it from up against the house . . .

The Lord takes care of fools and the Hardage.

Pax, y'all.

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